通过将关键字 static 放置在声明语句的前面作为前缀,可以将类的成员函数声明为静态成员函数。
static <return type><function name> (<parameter list>)
下面的程序演示了静态成员函数的使用。它要求用户在输入部门预算请求之前先输入总部办公室的预算请求。Budget 类包含一个名为 mainOffice 的静态成员函数。该函数将实参添加到静态 corpBudget 变量中,并在定义 Budget 类的任何实例之前调用它。getCorpBudget() 函数为静态成员函数。
//budget2.h的内容 #ifndef BUDGET_H #define BUDGET_H class Budget { private: static double corpBudget; double divBudget; public: Budget() { divBudget =0; } void addBudget(double b) { divBudget += b; corpBudget += divBudget; } double getDivBudget() const { return divBudget; } static double getCorpBudget() { return corpBudget; } static void mainOffice(double); }; #endif //budge t2.cpp 的内容 #include "budget2.h" // Definition of the static member of Budget class. double Budget::corpBudget = 0; void Budget::mainOffice(double budReq) { corpBudget += budReq; } //main程序的内容 // This program demonstrates a static class member function. #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include "budget2.h" // For Budget class declaration using namespace std; int main() { const int N_DIVISIONS = 4; // Get the budget requests for each division cout << "Enter the main office's budget request: "; double amount; cin >> amount; // Call the static member function of the Budget class Budget::mainOffice(amount); // Create instances of the Budget class Budget divisions[N_DIVISIONS]; for (int count = 0; count < N_DIVISIONS; count++) { double bud; cout << "Enter the budget request for division "; cout << (count + 1) << ": "; cin >> bud; divisions[count].addBudget(bud); } // Display the budget for each division cout << setprecision (2); cout << showpoint << fixed; cout << "\nHere are the division budget requests:\n"; for (int count = 0; count < N_DIVISIONS; count++) { cout << "\tDivision " << (count + 1) << "\t$ "; cout << divisions[count].getDivBudget() << endl; } //Print total budget requests cout << "Total Requests (including main office) : $ "; cout << Budget::getCorpBudget() << endl; return 0; }
Enter the main office's budget request: 400000
Enter the budget request for division 1: 102000
Enter the budget request for division 2: 210000
Enter the budget request for division 3: 240000
Enter the budget request for division 4: 105000
Here are the divisionbudget requests:
Division 1 $ 102000.00
Division 2 $ 210000.00
Division 3 $ 240000.00
Division 4 $ 105000.00
Total Requests (including main office): $ 1057000.00
请注意调用静态函数 mainOffice 的语句:
cout << divisions[0].getCorpBudget() << endl;
this 指针不能在静态成员函数中使用,因为静态成员函数不是通过它们所属类的任何实例调用的。而且,静态成员函数除非指定该成员属于哪个实例,否则不能访问其类的实例成员。
class StatAccess { private: int x; public: static void output() { cout << x; //对非静态成员的不正确访问 } StatAccess(int x) { this->x = x; } };
在语句 cout<<x
中试图访问 x 是不正确的,因为它等于隐式使用 this 指针,而这是静态函数 output 所不具有的。相反,在以下修改过的同一个类的示例中,静态成员函数 print 正确地访问了非静态成员 x,因为它使用了传递给它的类对象的名称作为形参来限定它。
class StatAccess { private: int x; public: static void print(StatAccess a) { cout << a.x; } StatAccess(int x) { this->x = x; } };
C++ 使用关键字 Static 来描述静态类成员函数。要理解其中原委,可以看一看实例与静态类成员之间的区别。类的每个对象都有它自己的实例成员的副本,但是所有的对象都共享相同的静态成员。