struct BookInfo { string title; string author; string publisher; double price; };
以下语句定义了一个名为 bookList 的数组,它有 20 个元素,每个元素都是一个 BookInfo 结构体。
BookInfo bookList[20];
数组中的每个元素都可以通过下标来访问。例如,bookList[0] 是数组中的第一个结构体,bookList[1] 是第二个结构体,依此类推。
例如,下面的表达式引用了 bookList[5] 的 title 成员:
for (int index = 0; index < 20; index++) { cout << bookList[index].title << endl; cout << bookList[index].author << endl; cout << bookList[index].publisher << endl; cout << bookList[index].price << endl << endl; }
因为成员 title、author 和 publisher 都是 string 对象,所以组成字符串的各个字符也可以被访问。以下语句显示 bookList [10] 的 title 成员的第一个字符:
cout << bookList[10].title[0];
以下语句可将字符 t 存储在 bookList[2] 的 publisher 成员的第 4 个位置。
bookList[2].publisher[3] ='t';
// This program uses an array of structures to hold payroll data. #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; struct PayInfo // Define a structure that holds 2 variables { int hours; // Hours worked double payRate; // Hourly pay rate }; int main () { const int NUM_EMPS = 3; // Number of employees PayInfo workers[NUM_EMPS];// Define an array of Paylnfo structures double grossPay; // Get payroll data cout << "Enter the hours worked and hourly pay rates of "<< NUM_EMPS << " employees. \n"; for (int index = 0; index < NUM_EMPS; index++) { cout << "\nHours worked by employee #" << (index + 1) << ":"; cin >> workers[index].hours; cout << "Hourly pay rate for this employee: $"; cin >> workers[index].payRate; } // Display each employeef s gross pay cout << "\nHere is the gross pay for each employee:\n"; cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2); for (int index = 0; index < NUM_EMPS; index++) { grossPay = workers[index].hours * workers[index].payRate; cout << "Employee #" << (index + 1); cout << ": $" << setw(7) << grossPay << endl; } return 0; }
Enter the hours worked and hourly pay rates of 3 employees.
Hours worked by employee #1:10
Hourly pay rate for this employee: $9.75
Hours worked by employee #2:15
Hourly pay rate for this employee: $8.65
Hours worked by employee #3:20
Hourly pay rate for this employee: $10.50
Here is the gross pay for each employee:
Employee #1: $ 97.50
Employee #2: $ 129.75
Employee #3: $ 210.00
可以使用构造函数初始化一个结构体数组,就像初始化一个类对象数组一样。以下结构体声明取自上边程序,但是进行了修改,使它包含了一个构造函数。它接受两个参数,但是, 如果在创建结构体变量时未传递任何值给构造函数,那么它也有默认值。
struct PayInfo { int hours; //己工作的小时数 double payRate; // 每小时收入 PayInfo (int h = 0, double p = 0.0) // 构造函数 { hours = h; payRate = p; } };
PayInfo workers[NUM_EMPS] = { PayInfo(10, 9.75),PayInfo(15, 8.65),PayInfo(20, 10.50)};