数据类型转换通过内置的数据类型在 "幕后" 发生。例如,假设程序使用以下变量:
int i;
double d;
那么以下语句会自动将i中的值转换为 double 并将其存储在 d 中:
d = i;
i = d;
类对象也可以使用相同的功能。例如,假设 distance 是一个 Length 对象,d 是一个 double,如果 Length 被正确编写,则下面的语句可以方便地将 distance 作为浮点数存储到 d 中:
d = distance;
为了能够像这样使用语句,必须编写运算符函数来执行转换。以下就是一个将 Length 对象转换为 double 的运算符函数:
Length::operator double() const { return len_inches /12 + (len_inches %12) / 12.0; }
该函数计算以英尺为单位的长度测量的实际十进制等效值。例如,4 英尺 6 英寸的尺寸将被转换为实数 4.5。
下面的程序演示了带有 double 和 int 转换运算符的 Length 类。int 运算符将只是返回 Length 对象的英寸数。
//Length2.h的内容 #ifndef _LENGTH1_H #define _LENGTH1_H #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Length { private: int len_inches; public: Length(int feet, int inches) { setLength(feet, inches); } Length(int inches){ len_inches = inches; } int getFeet() const { return len_inches / 12; } int getInches() const { return len_inches % 12; } void setLength(int feet, int inches) { len_inches = 12 *feet + inches; } // Type conversion operators operator double() const; operator int () const { return len_inches; } // Overloaded stream output operator friend ostream &operator << (ostream &out, Length a); }; #endif //Length2.cpp 的内容 #include T,Length2. hn Length::operator double() const { return len_inches /12 + (len_inches %12) / 12.0; } ostream &operator<<(ostream& out, Length a) { out << a.getFeet() << " feet, " << a.getInches() << " inches"; return out; } // This program demonstrates the type conversion operators for the Length class. #include "Length2.h" #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { Length distance(0); double feet; int inches; distance.setLength(4, 6); cout << "The Length object is " << distance << "." << endl; // Convert and print feet = distance; inches = distance; cout << "The Length object measures" << feet << "feet." << endl; cout << "The Length object measures " << inches << " inches." << endl; return 0; }
The Length object is 4 feet, 6 inches.
The Length object measures 4.5 feet.
The Length object measures 54 inches.